300 Progressive Sight Reading Exercises for Trumpet: Volume 2 (Paperback)
作者: Robert Anthony 
書城編號: 26904634

售價: $220.00

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出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2023/07/09
重量: 0.24 kg
ISBN: 9798851594519

Volume Two starts out rhythmically simpler than Volume One ends, and then - of course - progresses to a more difficult level, adding dynamic markings, expanding the key signatures to C, G, F, D, Bb, A, Eb, E, Ab Major and their relative minor keys and modes, and adding the time signatures 3/8 and 9/8 into the mix.

Instructions and a free preview are available in pdf form at the Robert Anthony Publishing website.

Like in Volume One, the exercises are all eight measures (two phrases, or one period) in length. While they are composed to be melodic and pleasant to the ear, they are also composed to be difficult to memorize, and utilize many rhythms that seem to be absent from other sight reading books.

Next, I have made the staff font slightly larger than standard. While this will largely go unnoticed in the printed version of this book, it should make the electronic versions significantly easier to read.

Finally, there are many correct ways to use this book. The instructions and a preview in pdf form are posted on my website so that I can update the instructions as I discover additional strategies. For example, I sometimes receive emails in which people tell me how they like to use this book. My opinions will evolve the more I use this book to train my students, so I want the ability to easily update the instructions as needed. The link for the pdf download will be directly below the picture of the cover of this book. Instructional videos supporting this book will be posted, as they are created, in the same place.

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