Sprinkles & Jimmies, Two Dogs, One Tale (Hardcover)
作者: Mary Kelly 
書城編號: 26906054

原價: HK$230.00
現售: HK$218.5 節省: HK$11.5

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2023/09/08
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9798988566113


Follow Sprinkles and Jimmies in this heartwarming tale of two orphaned puppies as they adventurously learn the meaning of family and unconditional love. Perfect for reading to little ones ages 3-8.

These sweet and silly siblings are rescued by Molly, a bakery owner, who raises them as her own. An unexpected mishap filled with twists and turns threatens to separate the pups. Will their adventurous spirits tear them apart or will they find their forever home? Something uniquely special about this pair unfolds in a delightful surprise. This charming story is illustrated with original watercolors and is sure to be a classic that kids will love and want to read over and over.

Mary Kelly 作者作品表

Mary Kelly's Concentric Pedagogy: Selected Writings (Hardcover)

Mary Kelly's Concentric Pedagogy: Selected Writings (Paperback)

Misterio En Londres (Paperback)

Sprinkles & Jimmies, Two Dogs, One Tale (Hardcover)

Almond Bar Recipes: homemade chocolate chip cookies recipes (Paperback)

eBook: Navigating Historical Crosscurrents in the Irish Atlantic: Essays for Catherine Shannon (DRM EPUB)

eBook: French Women Orientalist Artists, 1861-1956: Cross-Cultural Contacts and Depictions of Difference (DRM PDF)

eBook: French Women Orientalist Artists, 1861-1956: Cross-Cultural Contacts and Depictions of Difference (DRM EPUB)

Due to a Death (Paperback)

Christmas Egg A Seasonal Mystery (paperback)

eBook: Der Anhalter (DRM EPUB)

Snowy Robin Rescue (Paperback)

Tiny Goat in Trouble (Paperback)

eBook: Ireland's Great Famine in Irish-American History: Enshrining a Fateful Memory (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ireland's Great Famine in Irish-American History: Enshrining a Fateful Memory (DRM PDF)

Music and the Stars (Hardcover)

Unravelling the Ribbon (Paperback)

Post-Partum Document (Paperback)

Imaging Desire (Paperback)

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