Goth Girl and the Wuthering Fright (Paperback)
作者: Chris Riddell 
分類: General fiction (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 26906176

原價: HK$90.00
現售: HK$85.5 節省: HK$4.5

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出版社: Pan Macmillan
出版日期: 2024/04/25
頁數: 224
尺寸: 197 x 130 mm
ISBN: 9781035022632


A beautiful new cover for the third title in Chris Riddell's Costa Award-winning Goth Girl series: Goth Girl and the Wuthering Fright. This funny adventure, featuring Ada Goth and her friends, is packed with gorgeous black-and-white illustrations throughout, and is perfect for girls and boys aged 8 to 11!

People are flocking to Ghastly-Gorm Hall from far and wide to compete in Lord Goth's literary dog show. The esteemed judges are in place and the contestants are all ready to win. Sir Walter Splott is preparing his Lanarkshire Lurcher, Plain Austen is preening her Hampshire Blue Bloodhound and Homily Dickinson and her Yankee Doodle Poodle are raring to go.

But there's something strange going on at Ghastly-Gorm - mysterious footprints, howls in the night and some suspiciously chewed shoes. Can Ada, the Attic Club and their new friends the Vicarage sisters (Charlotte, Emily and Anne) work out what's going on before the next full moon?

Enjoy Ada's other adventures in Goth Girl and the Ghost of a Mouse, Goth Girl and the Fete Worse Than Death and Goth Girl and the Sinister Symphony!

Chris Riddell 作者作品表

Edge Chronicles 11: The Nameless One (Paperback)

Ottoline Goes to School (Paperback)

Ottoline at Sea (Paperback)

Ottoline and the Yellow Cat (Paperback)

Ottoline and the Purple Fox (Paperback)

Goth Girl and the Wuthering Fright (Paperback)

Goth Girl and the Sinister Symphony (Paperback)

Goth Girl and the Ghost of a Mouse (Paperback)

Goth Girl and the Fete Worse Than Death (Paperback)

Chris Riddell's Doodle-a-Day (Paperback)

Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians (Paperback)

Guardians of Magic (Paperback)

Poems to Fall in Love With (Paperback)

Poems to Save the World With (Paperback)

Poems to Live Your Life By (Paperback)

Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians (Paperback)

eBook: Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians (DRM EPUB)

Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians (Hardcover)

We Wish You A Merry Christmas and Other Festive Poems (Hardcover)

eBook: We Wish You A Merry Christmas and Other Festive Poems (DRM EPUB)

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