Jack the Ripper: An Investigation Into the White chapel Murders (The Story of the White chapel Murderer Biographies of Serial Killers) (Paperback)
作者: Thomas Kibby 
書城編號: 26913082

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Alex Howard
出版日期: 2023/07/17
重量: 0.19 kg
ISBN: 9780995311510


Unaware that her latest past life is fated to die beneath The Ripper's blade, Claire is determined to change the future and regain what she's lost, while Malcolm is left with a hard choice tell Claire what he knows, or make sure history follows its natural course regardless of the cost. The identity of the Ripper his motives and his association have been the subject of endless discussion and speculation since Victorian times. Suspects have been as varied as a Jewish slaughter man and the Duke of Clarence.

In this book, you will:

  • What did the police and press get up to, and which colorful characters fell foul of the law along the way?
  • Can we apply modern criminology to help us deduce Jack's identity?
  • Focusing on the facts and cutting through the myths, which one of the 10 key suspects tackled in this book is most likely to be the killer?
  • What happened afterwards to the police officials involved in the case, and what do the murder sites look like now?
  • How has the White chapel Fiend been portrayed in popular culture over the years?

The Ultimate Jack the Ripper Sourcebook is not only an invaluable reference, but is also a compelling account of the Victorian serial murderer whose identity remains one of criminology's greatest mysteries.

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