The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians: Their Stories Are Better Than the Bestsellers (Hardcover)
作者: James Patterson 
書城編號: 26924118

原價: HK$280.00
現售: HK$266 節省: HK$14

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出版社: Little Brown & Co
出版日期: 2024/04/08
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9780316567534

This "celebration of the world of books" (Kirkus) from New York Times bestselling author James Patterson is a collection of riveting stories celebrating the heroic efforts of the people who are on the front lines getting our books into the world.​

To be a bookseller or librarian...

You have to play detective.

Be a treasure hunter. A matchmaker. An advocate. A visionary.

A person who creates "book joy" by pulling a book from a shelf, handing it to someone and saying, "You've got to read this. You're going to love it."

"When the pandemic started, Patterson launched a movement, #SaveIndieBookstores [and] pledged half a million dollars, and, with the support of the American Booksellers Association and the Book Industry Charitable Foundation, the campaign ended up raising $1,239,595 from more than eighteen hundred donors...Somehow, the bookstore outlived the pandemic. Why? The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians, compiled by James Patterson and Matt Eversmann, suggests a few reasons." - New Yorker

James Patterson 作者作品表

Triple Threat (Hardcover)

Revenge (Paperback)

Night Sniper (Paperback)

Scott Free (Paperback)

Stealing Gulfstreams (Paperback)

Diary of a Succubus (Paperback)

The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe: A True Crime Thriller (Paperback)

Walk in My Classroom (Hardcover)

Walk in My Classroom ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

Blackball (Hardcover)

The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe (Hardcover)

The House of Cross: (Alex Cross 32) (Paperback)

Never Say Die: A Jane Smith Thriller (Hardcover)

The House of Cross: (Alex Cross 32) (Paperback)

Emma on Fire (Paperback)

The President's Shadow: A Shadow Thriller (Paperback)

The President's Shadow: A Shadow Thriller ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

The President's Shadow: A Shadow Thriller (Hardcover)

Crosshairs: Michael Bennett Is the Most Popular NYC Detective of the Decade (Paperback)

Crosshairs: Michael Bennett Is the Most Popular NYC Detective of the Decade (Paperback)

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