Poets and Scribes in Late Medieval England: Essays on Manuscripts and Meaning in Honor of Susanna Fein (Hardcover)
作者: Michael Johnston 
書城編號: 26930039

售價: $1260.00

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出版社: Medieval Inst Pub
出版日期: 2023/11/06
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9781501524806


Susanna Fein's long and distinguished scholarly career has helped to redefine how we understand the role of scribes and manuscripts from late medieval England. She has carried out groundbreaking research on seminal manuscripts (e.g., Harley 2253, the Thornton Manuscripts, John Audley's autograph manuscript, and the Auchinleck Manuscript). She has written extensively on the more complex and challenging metrical forms the period produced. And she has edited foundational primary texts and collections of essays. A wide range of scholars have been influenced by Fein's work, many of whom present original research--much of it following trails first laid down by Fein--in this volume.

Michael Johnston 作者作品表

The D Term: The final call on your marriage (Paperback)

The Good Bad Mother: Exploring the Complexities of Motherhood: A Candid Portrayal of the Good, the Bad, and Everything In Between (Paperback)

Poets and Scribes in Late Medieval England: Essays on Manuscripts and Meaning in Honor of Susanna Fein (Hardcover)

Why Does Everyone Steal My Lighter? (Paperback)

eBook: Middle English Book: Scribes and Readers, 1350-1500 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Middle English Book: Scribes and Readers, 1350-1500 (DRM EPUB)

Happy Eyes (Paperback)

Giving Birth for the First Time: Parental guide for birth planning (Paperback)

30 Days to Master the Best Cheese Recipe: Understand the Easiest Method (Paperback)

What New Parent Don't Know: Emotional management as a new parent (Paperback)

The Art of Been a Bitch: Why Men Love Bitches (Paperback)

The Art of Seduction: How to Get any man Attention Sexually (Paperback)

Forget It: You can never be married (Paperback)

Origin of Lgbt: What you must know about LGBT and the hidden benefits (Paperback)

Building a discipline Culture: An Author's Guide to generating wealth (Paperback)

Time to Get Tough: How to make Soft & Chewy Cookie Bars (Paperback)

The UK Prime Minister Resignation.: Reasons for Liz Truss Resignation and Succession (Paperback)

eBook: Silence of the Soleri (DRM EPUB)

Medieval Manuscript Book (Paperback)

eBook: Political Corruption: Readings in Comparative Analysis (DRM PDF)

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