Polly Bee Makes Honey (Hardcover)
作者: Deborah Chancellor 
書城編號: 26939626

原價: HK$190.00
現售: HK$180.5 節省: HK$9.5

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出版社: Kane Pr
出版日期: 2024/02/06
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781662670664

Follow Polly Bee as she flies to flowers, finds pollen and nectar, and helps make sticky honey in this stylish and fact-filled picture book, part of the new "Follow My Food" series that looks at the ways different foods are made.

How is honey produced? And how does it get from the farm to the kitchen table? This simple story provides young readers a glimpse into a day in the life of a worker bee. From flower to hive to table, this engaging story will help kids understand where their food comes from, and it's ideal for teaching them about sustainability and the environment. Featuring attractive collage-style art and rich vocabulary, the book also includes information on beekeeping, fun facts about bees, and a simple recipe.

Deborah Chancellor 作者作品表

Shelly Hen Lays Eggs (Hardcover)

Granny Root Grows Fruit (Hardcover)

Polly Bee Makes Honey (Paperback)

Granny Pip Grows Fruit (Paperback)

Polly Bee Makes Honey (Hardcover)

Milly Cow Gives Milk (Hardcover)

Shelly Hen Lays Eggs (Paperback)

Milly Cow Gives Milk (2 New edition) (Paperback)

First Animal Picture Atlas (Paperback)

Granny Pip Grows Fruit (Hardcover)

Shelly Hen Lays Eggs (Hardcover)

Polly Bee Makes Honey (Hardcover)

Milly Cow Gives Milk (Hardcover)

The Kingfisher First Picture Atlas (hardcover)

Good to be Green: Save and Mend (Paperback)

Good to be Green: Save the Animals (Paperback)

Good to be Green: Don't Waste Your Food (Paperback)

Good to be Green: Let's Walk to School (Paperback)

Good to be Green: Rubbish or Recycling? (Paperback)

Good to be Green: Turn off the Tap (Paperback)

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