How to Chat Chicken, Gossip Gorilla, Babble Bee, Gab Gecko, and Talk in 66 Other Animal Languages (Hardcover)
作者: Nick Crumpton 
書城編號: 26943623

原價: HK$160.00
現售: HK$152 節省: HK$8

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出版社: What On Earth Books
出版日期: 2023/10/03
重量: 0.42 kg
ISBN: 9781804660430


It's time to walk on the wild side and talk with the animals. This book will teach you not just how to chat chicken but also gossip with gorillas, mumble with meerkats, and warble with whales. You'll be ready for any adventure into the animal kingdom.

It's a noisy world out there. Almost eight billion people are saying hello, asking for directions, buying food, singing lullabies, paying compliments, and all in their own languages--of which there are six or seven thousand! And that's just humans... animals have millions of languages!

Insects, birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians are all talking to each other too, with grunts, squeaks, and tweets, as part of the natural orchestra that is Life on Earth. Some of those noises can sound scary, others sweet... wouldn't it be nice to be able to understand what they were all trying to say?

Author Dr Nick Crumpton acts as our translator and guide through the animal kingdom in this fun, and funny, book. He teaches us what our pet dog's bark means and how an orangutan says "Hello!" (Whuuu-whuuu-whuuu just in case you ever need it!). Each sound has been researched using recordings and information from scientists in the field. This book will teach you not just how to chat chicken but also gossip with gorillas, mumble with meerkats, and warble with whales. You'll be ready for any adventure into the animal kingdom.

Includes a glossary and index.

Nick Crumpton 作者作品表

Small World: Meet 30 of Earth's Tiniest Inhabitants (Hardcover)

Brown Bears (Hardcover)

Everything You Know About Dinosaurs is Wrong! (Paperback)

Everything You Know about Sharks Is Wrong! (Hardcover)

Everything You Know about Dinosaurs Is Wrong! (Hardcover)

How to Chat Chicken, Gossip Gorilla, Babble Bee, Gab Gecko, and Talk in 66 Other Animal Languages (Hardcover)

Animal Super Powers: The Most Amazing Ways Animals Have Evolved (Hardcover)

Tout Ce Que Vous Pensez Savoir Sur Les Petites Bêtes Est Faux ! (Hardcover)

Amazing Animal Atlas (Hardcover)

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