Individuation Psychology: Essays in Honor of Murray Stein (Paperback)
作者: Murray Stein 
書城編號: 26954003

售價: $320.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2023/09/02
重量: 0.57 kg
ISBN: 9781685031831


This Festschrift celebrates Murray Stein, a man whose life and influence within Analytical Psychology has spanned several continents, wildly different cultures, several sweeping societal shifts, and now enters his ninth decade. He was forged in an American crucible, strengthened in Europe, and eventually matured into a world-wide phenomenon.

These essays explore individuation in varied ways and reveal Dr. Stein's extensive impact on the world of Jungian psychoanalysis. An ambassador for post-Jungians, his own writings and the publication of others through his founding of Chiron Publications added valuable and novel insights about subjects as wide-ranging as Christianity, masculine psychology, and the practice of Jungian analysis.

The diverse topics contained in these essays reflect the fertile, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspective that has characterized Dr. Stein's unique blend of scholarship, personal warmth, and far-reaching vision. From the times of the Delphic Oracle psychotherapists have illuminated the inner landscape where psyche dwells. Dr. Stein has witnessed countless developments and challenges in the decades after Jung's death. His gentle, wise stewardship reflects what Guindi says about individuation, it is "a testimony of the inner process". And Dr. Stein's lifework succeeds at re-enchanting a world stripped of mystery and meaning by modernity as Roderick Main and Len Cruz observe.

After more than five decades of remarkable contributions, Murray Stein's lifework remains relevant and through his impact on the K-pop band BTS, he has appealed to a new generation of seekers after inner gold. This is a testament to a highly individuated man who fully demonstrates an ongoing individuation, and we are eager to see what his next decade will bring.

Murray Stein 作者作品表

The Collected Writings Of Murray Stein Volume 9: Jungian Studies (Paperback)

Ways To The Self: Five Conversations (Paperback)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 8: Psychology and Spirituality (Hardcover)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 8: Psychology and Spirituality (Paperback)

The Shadow and the Problem of Evil: Five Examinations (Hardcover)

The Shadow and the Problem of Evil: Five Examinations (Paperback)

Individuation Psychology: Essays in Honor of Murray Stein (Hardcover)

Individuation Psychology: Essays in Honor of Murray Stein (Paperback)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 7: The Problem of Evil (Paperback)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 7: The Problem of Evil (Hardcover)

El libro rojo de Jung para nuestros tiempos: la búsqueda del alma bajo condiciones posmodernas (Hardcover)

El libro rojo de Jung para nuestros tiempos: la búsqueda del alma bajo condiciones posmodernas (Paperback)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 5: Analytical Psychology and Christianity (Hardcover)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 5: Analytical Psychology and Christianity (Paperback)

Jung's Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul In the 21st Century - An Eranos Symposium Volume 5 (Paperback)

Jung's Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul In the 21st Century - An Eranos Symposium Volume 5 (Hardcover)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 6: Analytical Psychology And Religion (Collected Writi) (Paperback)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 6: Analytical Psychology And Religion (Collected Writi) (Hardcover)

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 1: Individuation (Collected Writings of Murray Stein) (hardcover)

Jung`s Red Book for Our Time (Paperback)

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