The Rising (Paperback)
作者: Elizabeth Cook 
書城編號: 26960865

售價: $130.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2023/08/29
重量: 0.39 kg
ISBN: 9798223416418


Lukas is the King of Cordollia. His life makes headlines daily, including the private details of his love life. Being such a public figure doesn't give him the privacy or much of a chance to be himself. Something that Luk craves.

Arabella is in the Royal Guard, Cordollia's Army. With her small stature, she always feels like she has something to prove. Especially when she is one of the youngest women chosen to head a Royal Protection Detail. Ara has to learn the ins, outs, and dangers of the fish bowl the royals live in.

Because of thier positions, Luk and Ara find themselves in a unique situation. There are no expectations. They get the luxury of being themselves. With that type of honesty a great freindship forms.

Could more happen between these two? Could friendship turn to more? Or could their pasts come back to rip it all apart.

Elizabeth Cook 作者作品表

The Rising (Paperback)

Lux (Paperback)

Lux (Hardcover)

eBook: Lux (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Love, God: Real Experiences with God, Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit (DRM EPUB)

Achilles (Paperback)

eBook: Crystal Mirror 9 - Holy Places of the Buddha (DRM EPUB)

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