The Curatorial Avant-Garde: Surrealism and Exhibition Practice in France, 1925-1941 (Hardcover)
作者: Adam Jolles 
系列: Refiguring Modernism
分類: History of art / art & design styles ,
Art & design styles: Pre-Raphaelite art  
書城編號: 26967328

售價: $1315.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Pennsylvania State University Press
出版日期: 2014/04/07
頁數: 288
尺寸: 255 x 240 x 30 mm
重量: 1560 grams
ISBN: 9780271064154

Explores the emergence of an amateur class of curators in France between the world wars. Focuses on the Surrealist writers and artists who developed an alternative curatorial practice to that pursued by the community of professionally trained curators and exclusive art dealers.
Refiguring Modernism

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The Curatorial Avant-Garde: Surrealism and Exhibition Practice in France, 1925-1941 (Hardcover)

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