Global Hindu Diaspora: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (Paperback)
作者: Kalpana Hiralal 
分類: Regional studies ,
Asian history ,
21st century history: from c 2000 - ,
Religion: general ,
Hinduism ,
Religious groups: social & cultural aspects ,
Regional geography ,
21st century ,
書城編號: 26974949

售價: $560.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 18-25 天

出版社: Routledge
出版日期: 2024/06/25
ISBN: 9781032652665


This book examines Hinduism from both a historical and contemporary perspective. It provides some interesting insights into factors that shaped and defined Hinduism in the diaspora. It also examines the challenges facing Hinduism in the twenty-first century. In recent years the growing conversions of Hindus to other religions, the complexities of caste, the impact of AIDS, and the need to reinvigorate the youth in Hindu teachings are just some of the issues that it faces. What shape and form will Hinduism take in the twenty-first century? What will Hinduism look like in the future? These relevant questions are the subject of debate and deliberations amongst religious scholars, academics and politicians. This edited collection addresses some of these questions as well as the relationship between religion and diaspora within historical and contemporary perspectives.

Kalpana Hiralal 作者作品表

'Sisters in the Struggle': Women of Indian Origin in South Africa's Liberation Struggle 1900–1994 (VOLUME 1: 1900–1940s) (Paperback)

Global Hindu Diaspora: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (Paperback)

eBook: 'Sisters in the Struggle': Women of Indian Origin in South Africa's Liberation Struggle 1900-1994 (VOLUME 1: 1900-1940s) (DRM PDF)

eBook: 'Sisters in the Struggle': Women of Indian Origin in South Africa's Liberation Struggle 1900-1994 (VOLUME 1: 1900-1940s) (DRM EPUB)

Sisters in the Struggle: Women of Indian Origin in South Africa's Liberation Struggle, 1900-1994 (Paperback)

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