Marvel Studios' The Infinity Saga - Guardians of the Galaxy: The Art of the Movi e (Hardcover)
作者: Marvel 
分類: Films, cinema  
書城編號: 26977109

原價: HK$420.00
現售: HK$399 節省: HK$21

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出版社: Titan Books Ltd
出版日期: 2024/03/26
頁數: 336
尺寸: 232 x 262 mm
重量: 567 grams
ISBN: 9781803365626

The official art book for the movie Guardians of the Galaxy, the 9th title reissue of the 24-book Marvel Studios: The Infinity Saga series published as a resized matching set.

The 9th of the 24 Marvel Cinematic Universe Infinity Saga film titles being published as a complete
This fully illustrated tome is a comprehensive behind-the-scenes look at the creative process of the Marvel blockbuster. Follow the film's complete artistic evolution, featuring stunning concept
artwork, behind-the-scenes photographs, production stills, and in-depth interviews with the cast and crew.
Here is everything you need to know about the film from its key players, including director James Gunn, co-producer Jonathan Schwartz, executive producer Jeremy Latcham, head of visual development Charlie Wen, along with the talented concept illustrators and storyboard artists who
worked on the set and behind the scenes to create the art of Guardians of the Galaxy.

Marvel 作者作品表

Ayrton Senna: The Speed King (Paperback)

Doctor Strange: Dimension War (MP3 CD)

Doctor Strange: Dimension War (Compact Disc)

Marvel Studios' The Infinity Saga - Guardians of the Galaxy: The Art of the Movi e (Hardcover)

Marvel Studios' the Infinity Saga - Thor: The Dark World: The Art of the Movie (Hardcover)

Marvel Studios' the Infinity Saga - Captain America: The Winter Soldier: The Art of the Movie (Hardcover)

Loki: Journey Into Mystery (Compact Disc)

Loki: Journey Into Mystery (MP3 CD)

Marvel Studios' the Infinity Saga - Iron Man 3: The Art of the Movie (Hardcover)

Secret Invasion (MP3 CD)

Secret Invasion (Compact Disc)

Captain Marvel: Shadow Code (MP3 CD)

Marvel / Disney Agor y Drws: Achubwyr, Yr - Brwydr yr Urdd Ddu (Hardcover)

eBook: Marvel's Black Panther - Script To Page (DRM EPUB)

Marvel's Avengers - Script To Page (Paperback)

Marvel's Black Panther - Script To Page (Paperback)

Marvel Museum: The Story of the Comics (Hardcover)

Spiderman Deluxe Custom Frame (Hardcover)

Marvel Sound Storybook Treasury (Hardcover)

Marvel's Captain America: Civil War: The Junior Novel

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