Natural Homemade Beauty: 90 Recipes for Skin, Hair, and Home (Hardcover)
作者: Leoniek Bontje 
分類: Sustainability ,
Cosmetics, hair & beauty  
書城編號: 26977132

原價: HK$210.00
現售: HK$199.5 節省: HK$10.5

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出版社: Batsford Books
出版日期: 2024/03/12
重量: 0.57 kg
ISBN: 9781849948760

A beautifully designed practical guide to creating luxurious, safe, and effective natural beauty products in your own home.

In this charming book you'll discover how to prepare a huge range of products using plants, some of which you'll be able to find around you or grow yourself. It includes comprehensive, easy-to-follow recipes for:

  • Rich moisturizing cream with daisy extract
  • Shampoo with chamomile for glossy hair
  • Body scrub with sugar and honey
  • Ginger oil to treat breakouts

plus a wealth of other delights such as body butter, hair conditioner, lip balm, deodorant, bath oil, and even toothpaste. Also included is a selection of fragrance products for your home, such as a lavender and pine room spray made with vodka!

Each easy-to-follow recipe gives a complete description of the making process so you can't go wrong, and there are handy visual guides to the plants you'll be using, accompanied by ravishing photography. Armed with this book you'll be able to create a whole beauty counter of products, both for yourself and for gifting, and you'll save money too!

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