Churches and the Crisis of Decline: A Hopeful, Practical Ecclesiology for a Secular Age (MP3 CD)
作者: Andrew Root 
書城編號: 26980245

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2023/02/28
ISBN: 9798212423816

Congregations often seek to combat the crisis of decline by using innovation to produce new resources. But leading practical theologian Andrew Root shows that the church's crisis is not in the loss of resources; it's in the loss of life--and that life can only return when we remain open to God's encountering presence. This new book, related to Root's critically acclaimed Ministry in a Secular Age project, addresses the practical form the church must take in a secular age. Root uses two stories to frame the book: one about a church whose building becomes a pub and the other about Karl Barth. Root argues that Barth should be understood as a pastor with a deep practical theology that can help church leaders today. This book pushes the church to be a waiting community that recognizes that the only way for it to find life is to stop seeing the church as the star of its own story. Instead of resisting decline, congregations must remain open to divine action. Root offers a rich vision for the church's future that moves away from an obsession with relevance and resources and toward the living God.
Andrew Root 作者作品表

Evangelism in an Age of Despair: Hope Beyond the Failed Promise of Happiness (Paperback)

eBook: Church in an Age of Secular Mysticisms (Ministry in a Secular Age): Why Spiritualities without God Fail to Transform Us (DRM EPUB)

The Church in an Age of Secular Mysticisms: Why Spiritualities Without God Fail to Transform Us (Compact Disc)

The Church in an Age of Secular Mysticisms: Why Spiritualities Without God Fail to Transform Us (MP3 CD)

Ministry in a Secular Age Set (Paperback)

The Church in an Age of Secular Mysticisms: Why Spiritualities Without God Fail to Transform Us (Paperback)

The Church in an Age of Secular Mysticisms: Why Spiritualities Without God Fail to Transform Us (Hardcover)

When Church Stops Working: A Future for Your Congregation Beyond More Money, Programs, and Innovation (Hardcover)

When Church Stops Working: A Future for Your Congregation Beyond More Money, Programs, and Innovation (Compact Disc)

When Church Stops Working: A Future for Your Congregation Beyond More Money, Programs, and Innovation (MP3 CD)

When Church Stops Working: A Future for Your Congregation Beyond More Money, Programs, and Innovation (Paperback)

The Church After Innovation: Questioning Our Obsession with Work, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship (MP3 CD)

The Church After Innovation: Questioning Our Obsession with Work, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship (Compact Disc)

Churches and the Crisis of Decline: A Hopeful, Practical Ecclesiology for a Secular Age (MP3 CD)

Churches and the Crisis of Decline: A Hopeful, Practical Ecclesiology for a Secular Age (Compact Disc)

The Congregation in a Secular Age: Keeping Sacred Time Against the Speed of Modern Life (MP3 CD)

The Congregation in a Secular Age: Keeping Sacred Time Against the Speed of Modern Life (Compact Disc)

The Pastor in a Secular Age: Ministry to People Who No Longer Need a God (Compact Disc)

The Pastor in a Secular Age: Ministry to People Who No Longer Need a God (MP3 CD)

Faith Formation in a Secular Age: Responding to the Church's Obsession with Youthfulness (Compact Disc)

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