Murtagh: The World Eragon (Compact Disc)
作者: Christopher Paolini 
書城編號: 26982204

原價: HK$500.00
現售: HK$475 節省: HK$25

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出版社: Listening Lib
出版日期: 2023/11/07
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9780593823149

Master storyteller and internationally bestselling author Christopher Paolini returns to the World of Eragon in this stunning epic fantasy set a year after the events of the Inheritance Cycle. Join Dragon Rider--and fan favorite--Murtagh and his dragon as they confront a perilous new enemy!

"Christopher Paolini is a true rarity." --The Washington Post

The world is no longer safe for the Dragon Rider Murtagh and his dragon, Thorn. An evil king has been toppled, and they are left to face the consequences of the reluctant role they played in his reign of terror. Now they are hated and alone, exiled to the outskirts of society.

Throughout the land, hushed voices whisper of brittle ground and a faint scent of brimstone in the air--and Murtagh senses that something wicked lurks in the shadows of Alaga

Christopher Paolini 作者作品表

Murtagh: The World of Eragon (Paperback)

World of Eragon 5-Book Hardcover Boxed Set: Eragon; Eldest; Brisingr; Inheritance; Murtagh (Hardcover)

Murtagh: Deluxe Edition (Hardcover)

Murtagh: Deluxe Edition: The World of Eragon (Hardcover)

Fractal Noise: A blockbuster space opera set in the same world as the bestselling To Sleep in a Sea of Stars (Paperback)

Fractal Noise: A Fractalverse Novel (Paperback)

Eragon Edición Ilustrada / Eragon: The Illustrated Edition (Hardcover)

Eragon (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)

Eldest (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)

Brisingr (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)

Inheritance (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)

Murtagh (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)

Murtagh (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)

Eragon: Book One (Illustrated Edition) (Illustrated ed) (Hardcover)

Murtagh: The World of Eragon (Library Binding)

Murtagh: The World of Eragon (Hardcover)

Eragon: The Illustrated Edition (Hardcover)

Eragon: The Illustrated Edition (Library Binding)

Murtagh: The World of Eragon (Hardcover)

Murtagh: The World Eragon (Compact Disc)

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