eBook: Victims and Criminal Justice: A History (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Pamela Cox, Robert Shoemaker, Heather Shore 
系列: Clarendon Studies in Criminology
分類: Gender studies, gender groups ,
Crime & criminology ,
Criminology: legal aspects ,
Legal history ,
Courts & procedure ,
Criminal justice law ,
Offences against the person ,
England ,
書城編號: 26989837

售價: $975.00

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製造商: OUP Oxford
出版日期: 2023/08/15
頁數: 272
ISBN: 9780192661661
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Victims and Criminal Justice is the first study of its kind to examine both the origins and impacts of key legal, procedural, and institutional changes introduced in England and Wales to encourage and govern prosecution. It sets out how crime victims' experiences of, and engagement with, the process of criminal justice changed dramatically between the late seventeenth and late twentieth centuries. Where victims once drove the English criminal justicesystem, bringing prosecutions as complainants and prosecutors, giving evidence as witnesses, putting up personal rewards for the recovery of lost goods or claim rewards for securing convictions, by the end of this period, victims had been firmly displaced as the state took virtually full responsibility for theprocess of prosecution. Combining qualitative analysis of a range of textual sources with quantitative analysis of large datasets featuring over 200,000 criminal prosecutions, the authors explore how victims were defined in law, what the law allowed and encouraged them to do, who they were in social and economic terms, how they participated in the criminal justice system, why many were unwilling or unable to engage in that system, and why some campaigned for specific rights. In exploring the shift in victimparticipation in criminal trials, Victims and Criminal Justice places current policy debates in a much-needed critical historical context.
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Pamela Cox 作者作品表

Malory Towers Collection 3 (Paperback)

Malory Towers Collection 4 (Paperback)

Shopgirls (Paperback)

Bad Girls in Britain (Paperback)

Robert Shoemaker 作者作品表

London Mob: Violence and Disorder in Eighteenth-Century England (Hardcover)

Gender and History: A Reader (Paperback)

Gender in English Society, 1650-1850 (Paperback)

Heather Shore 作者作品表

God Box: Unleashing the Freedom and Wholeness of the Holy Spirit (Paperback)

eBook: Deeply Wounded Hope: How God Brings Life from Abuse and Hardship (DRM EPUB)

eBook: London's Criminal Underworlds, c. 1720 - c. 1930: A Social and Cultural History (DRM PDF)

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