eBook: Decolonizing Religion and Peacebuilding (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Atalia Omer 
分類: Peace studies & conflict resolution ,
Religion & politics ,
International relations  
書城編號: 26991243

售價: $249.00

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製造商: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 2020/08/18
ISBN: 9780197683033
>> 相關實體書

An investigation of what consolidating religion as a technology of peacebuilding and development does to people's accounts of their religious and cultural traditions and why interreligious peacebuilding entrenches colonial legacies in the present.Throughout the global south, local and international organizations are frequent participants in peacebuilding projects that focus on interreligious dialogue. Yet as Atalia Omer argues in Decolonizing Religion and Peacebuilding, the effects of their efforts are often perverse, reinforcing neocolonial practices and disempowering local religious actors. Based on empirical research of inter and intra-religious peacebuilding practices in Kenya and the Philippines, Omer identifies two paradoxical findings: first, religious peacebuilding practices are both empowering and depoliticizing and, second, more doing of religion does not necessarily denote deeper or more critical religious literacy. Further, she shows that these religious actors generate decolonial openings regardless of how closed or open their religious communities are. Hence, religion's occasional usefulness in peacebuilding does not necessarily mean justice-oriented outcomes. The book not only uses decolonial and intersectional prisms to expose the entrenched and ongoing colonial dynamics operative in religion and the practices of peacebuilding and development in the global South, but it also speaks to decolonial theory through stories of transformation and survival.

Decolonizing Religion and Peacebuilding (Paperback)

Decolonizing Religion and Peacebuilding (Hardcover)

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Atalia Omer 作者作品表

Religion, Modernity, and the Global Afterlives of Colonialism (Paperback)

Religion, Modernity, and the Global Afterlives of Colonialism (Hardcover)

Decolonizing Religion and Peacebuilding (Hardcover)

Decolonizing Religion and Peacebuilding (Paperback)

eBook: Decolonizing Religion and Peacebuilding (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Decolonizing Religion and Peacebuilding (DRM PDF)

Days of Awe (Hardcover)

Oxford Handbook of Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding (Paperback)

Days of Awe (Paperback)

Religious Nationalism (Hardcover)

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