eBook: God without the Idea of Evil (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: O.P. Jean-Miguel Garrigues, O.S.B. Gregory Casprini, O.P. Christoph Cardinal Schonborn 
分類: Ethics & moral philosophy ,
Philosophy of religion ,
Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church ,
Christian theology  
書城編號: 26994242

售價: $416.00

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製造商: University of Notre Dame Press
出版日期: 2023/09/15
ISBN: 9780268205409
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With rich theological language that will appeal to a broad audience, this beautifully written book offers a hopeful interpretation of the problem of evil that plagues our time.In God without the Idea of Evil, well-known French Catholic theologian Jean-Miguel Garrigues, O.P., seeks to rise above the apparent contradiction of faith and the existence of evil, suffering, and death. Originally published in France as Dieu sans idee du mal in 1982, a revised second edition came out in 1990, and in 2016 the book was released again with a foreword by Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, which serves as the basis for the present translation. At its heart, this book contemplates the mystery of our election by God, which is expressed in the very fact of our existence. Garrigues addresses compelling theological topics-the concept of moral evil, the "redemptive charity" of Christ, the "journey" of human liberty, and the process of "nature becoming history"-with precise, poetically charged language that remains accessible.Garrigues makes a passionate defense of the innocence of God in the face of moral evil. By enveloping us in his look, as Cardinal Schonborn writes in the foreword, "God encounters us in the very gift of being that he bestows upon us, and his eyes do not see our sin." The book invites us to rediscover in the eyes of Jesus the eternal, continually renewed charm of the divine gaze. We are illumined and inspired by a vision of God who "does not see us through the evil in us," but rather loves us from the infinite depths of his creative charity.

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