eBook: Velazquez (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Richard Verdi 
系列: World of Art
分類: Individual artists, art monographs  
書城編號: 27000131

原價: HK$221.00
現售: HK$209.95 節省: HK$11.05

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製造商: Thames and Hudson Ltd
出版日期: 2023/03/02
頁數: 276
ISBN: 9780500777909
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Diego Velazquez (15991660) was one of the towering figures of western painting and Baroque art, a technical master renowned for his focus on realism and startling veracity. Everything he painted was treated as a portrait, from Spanish royalty and Pope Innocent X, to a mortar and pestle. This comprehensive introduction to Velazquezs life and art includes a discussion of all his major works, and illustrates most of Velazquezs surviving output of approximately 110 paintings. The artists greatest innovation his unorthodox and revolutionary technique is explored in relation to the styles of certain of his most celebrated contemporaries both in Spain and beyond, including Titian and Rubens. The book concludes with a final chapter on the influence and importance of Velazquezs art on later painters from the time of his own death to the art of recent times including Francisco Goya, Pablo Picasso, Francis Bacon and the Impressionists.
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Richard Verdi 作者作品表

eBook: Velazquez (DRM EPUB)

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Rembrandt's Themes (Hardcover)


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