eBook: Supporting Multilingual Learners' Academic Language Development: A Language-Based Approach to Content Instruction (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Luciana C. de Oliveira 
分類: Bilingualism & multilingualism ,
Moral & social purpose of education ,
Primary & middle schools ,
Secondary schools ,
Teacher training ,
Teachers' classroom resources & material ,
Educational: English language & literacy ,
書城編號: 27008720

售價: $351.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2023/04/13
頁數: 246
ISBN: 9781000851939
>> 相關實體書

A practical and comprehensive resource, Supporting Multilingual Learners' Academic Language Development: A Language-Based Approach to Content Instruction introduces an accessible language-based approach to teaching academic language to multilingual learners across the content areas. Luciana C. de Oliveira provides elementary school teachers with everything they need to know to successfully teach grade-level content to multilingual learners. Chapters are organized by subject, addressing the specific language demands of teaching English language arts, social studies, mathematics, and science. Each chapter features examples of implementation in grades K-5, practical strategies, and a wealth of tables, figures, and other resources. The Language-Based Approach to Content Instruction (LACI) in this book provides teachers with a ready-to-use framework of six scaffolding elements that serves as a guide to enable multilingual learners to meet the grade-level standard of their peers without simplification. Aligned with WIDA and CCSS standards, this resource provides the tools and methods teachers need to support multilingual learners' academic language development in the content area classroom.
Luciana C. de Oliveira 作者作品表

Supporting Multilingual Learners' Academic Language Development: A Language-Based Approach to Content Instruction (Paperback)

Supporting Multilingual Learners' Academic Language Development: A Language-Based Approach to Content Instruction (Hardcover)

eBook: Supporting Multilingual Learners' Academic Language Development: A Language-Based Approach to Content Instruction (DRM PDF)

eBook: Supporting Multilingual Learners' Academic Language Development: A Language-Based Approach to Content Instruction (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Handbook of TESOL in K-12 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Handbook of TESOL in K-12 (DRM PDF)

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