eBook: Communicating: The Multiple Modes of Human Communication (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ruth Finnegan 
分類: linguistics ,
Literature: history & criticism ,
Communication studies ,
Society & culture: general ,
Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography  
書城編號: 27017384

售價: $468.00

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製造商: Taylor and Francis
出版日期: 2023/10/30
頁數: 320
ISBN: 9781000954630
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Treatments of human communication mostly draw on cognitive and word-centred models to present it as predominantly a matter of words. This, Finnegan argues, seriously underestimates the far-reaching multi-modal qualities of human interconnecting and the senses of touch, olfaction, and, above all, audition and vision that we draw on.In an authoritative and readable account, Ruth Finnegan brings together research from linguistic and sensory anthropology, material culture, non-verbal communication, computer-mediated communication, and, strikingly, research on animal communication, such as the remarkable gesture systems of great apes. She draws on her background in classical studies and her long anthropological experience to present illuminating examples from throughout the world, past and present.The result is to uncover an amazing array of sounds, sights, smells, gestures, looks, movements, touches, and material objects used by humans and other animals to interconnect both nearby and across space and timeShe goes on to first explore the extra-sensory modes of communication now being revealed in the extraordinary "new science" research and then, in an incendiary conclusion, to deny the long-prevailing story of human history by questioning whether orality really came before literacy; whether it was really through "the acquisition of language" that our prehistoric cave painting ancestors made a sudden leap into being "true humans"; and finally, astonishingly, to ask whether human communicating had its first roots not, after all, in verbal language but something else.Not to be missed, this highly original book brings a fresh perspective on, among other things, that central topic of interest today - the dawn of human history - and on what being homo sapiens really means. This revised and updated edition has additional illustrations, updated chapters, and a new concluding chapter. A provocative and controversial account that will stir worldwide debate, this book is an essential transdisciplinary overview for researchers and advanced students in language and communication, anthropology, and cultural studies.
Ruth Finnegan 作者作品表

The peace search: The voices of despair and hope through the centuries (Hardcover)

The search for peace: Voices of despair and hope through the ages (Hardcover)

Kris and Kate's next adventure: Out to the wide wide sea (Paperback)

The Search for Peace: Voices of despair and hope through the ages (Paperback)

eBook: Communicating: The Multiple Modes of Human Communication (DRM PDF)

eBook: Communicating: The Multiple Modes of Human Communication (DRM EPUB)

Communicating: The Multiple Modes of Human Communication (0003) (Paperback)

Communicating: The Multiple Modes of Human Communication (0003) (Hardcover)

Black Pearl Island: Kate and Kris explore the universe (Paperback)

What next for Kris and Kate?: Another adventure (Paperback)

The Enchanted Pearl-Away: Kris and Kate have more adventures (Paperback)

Kris and Kate's next adventure Out to the wide wide sea,: A picture story book (Hardcover)

Pearl in the Deep Wood: The voice of the living trees (Paperback)

Fire Pearl: Tale of the burning Way (Paperback)

eBook: Where is Language?: An Anthropologist's Questions on Language, Literature and Performance (DRM PDF)

eBook: Where is Language?: An Anthropologist's Questions on Language, Literature and Performance (DRM EPUB)

Entrancement (Paperback)

eBook: Limba Stories and Story-Telling (DRM PDF)

eBook: Oral Poetry: Its Nature, Significance and Social Context (DRM PDF)

eBook: Voyage of Pearl of the Seas (DRM EPUB)

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