eBook: Adaptive Power Quality for Power Management Units using Smart Technologies (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Arti Vaish, Pankaj Kumar Goswami, Surbhi Bhatia, Mokhtar Shouran 
系列: Future Generation Information Systems
分類: Instruments & instrumentation engineering ,
Power generation & distribution ,
Automatic control engineering ,
Information technology: general issues ,
Artificial intelligence  
書城編號: 27017539

售價: $650.00

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製造商: CRC Press
出版日期: 2023/10/09
頁數: 346
ISBN: 9781000956733
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This book covers issues associated with smart systems due to the presence of onboard nonlinear components. It discusses the advanced architecture of smart systems for power management units. It explores issues of power management and identifies hazardous signals in the power management units of smart devices. ItPresents adaptive artificial intelligence and machine learning-based control strategiesDiscusses advanced simulations and data synthesis for various power management issuesShowcases solutions to the uncertainty and reliability issues in power management unitsIdentifies new power quality challenges in smart devicesExplains hybrid active power filters, shunt hybrid active power filters, and the industrial internet of things in power quality managementThis book comprehensively discusses advancements of traditional electrical grids, the benefits of smart grids to customers and stakeholders, properties of smart grids, smart grid architecture, smart grid communication, and smart grid security. It further covers the architecture of advance power management units (PMU) of smart devices, and the identification of harmonic distortions with respect to various sensor-based technology. It will serve as an ideal reference text for senior undergraduate and graduate students, and academic researchers in fields including electrical engineering, electronics, communications engineering, and computer engineering.
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