eBook: Gardening Dog (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Cindy Wume 
分類: Picture storybooks ,
General fiction (Children's / Teenage) ,
Animal stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Wildlife (Children's / Teenage) ,
Practical interests (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 27021170

售價: $104.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Pan Macmillan
出版日期: 2023/06/01
頁數: 32
ISBN: 9781035022441
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Meet two very special friends in this heartwarming and beautifully illustrated tale. Watch as a boy and a dog who don't quite fit in learn that a friendship, like a garden, takes time to grow - but that both are always worth the wait.The Gardening Dog is never chosen to go home with anyone who visits the rescue centre where she lives. Instead she spends her time quietly growing beautiful plants. Then one day she meets a boy called Lewis, who much prefers drawing to running around with all the other children. Working together, Lewis and The Gardening Dog create a wonderful community garden for everyone to share - and as new shoots grow outside, they build a deep friendship that leads to a new start for them both.
Cindy Wume 作者作品表

eBook: Gardening Dog (DRM EPUB)

The Gardening Dog (Hardcover)

The Gardening Dog (Paperback)

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Best Sound in the World (Hardcover)

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