eBook: Soulmate: A Novel (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Sally Hepworth 
書城編號: 27028161

原價: HK$164.00
現售: HK$155.8 節省: HK$8.2

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製造商: St. Martin's Publishing Group
出版日期: 2023/04/04
頁數: 352
ISBN: 9781250229724
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"The book is many things: a crime story, a psychological study, a blueprint for how and when to mete out information in a thriller. But most of all it is an inquiry into the mysteries of marriage and commitment, and into what we owe our spouses and one another." --The New York Times Book Review Prepare yourself for a thrilling, addictive novel about marriage, betrayal, and the secrets that push us to the edge in this next book from the bestselling author of The Good Sister and The Younger Wife.Picture a lovely cottage on a cliff, with sloping lawns, walking paths, and beautiful flowers. It's Gabe and Pippa Gerard's dream home in a sleepy coastal town. But their perfect house hides something sinister. The tall cliffs have become a popular spot for people to end their lives. Over the past several months, Gabe comes to their rescue, literally talking them off the ledge.Until one day, he doesn't. When Pippa discovers Gabe knew the victim, the questions spiral. . . .Did the victim jump? Was she pushed? And would Gabe, the love of Pippa's life, her soulmate . . . lie? As the perfect facade of their marriage begins to crack, the deepest and darkest secrets begin to unravel. Because sometimes, the most convincing lies are the ones we tell ourselves.
Sally Hepworth 作者作品表

Darling Girls (Paperback)

The Soulmate (Mass Market Paperbound)

Darling Girls ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: Darling Girls: A heart-pounding suspense novel about sisters, secrets, love and murder that will keep you turning the pages (DRM EPUB)

Darling Girls: A heart-pounding suspense novel about sisters, secrets, love and murder that will keep you turning the pages (Paperback)

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Darling Girls (Hardcover)

The Soulmate: the brand new addictive psychological suspense thriller from the international bestselling author for 2023 (Paperback)

The Soulmate ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: Soulmate: the brand new addictive psychological suspense thriller from the international bestselling author for 2023 (DRM EPUB)

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The Soulmate: A Novel (Paperback)

eBook: Soulmate: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

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