eBook: Emerald and the Friendship Bracelet: Book 1 (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Daisy Meadows 
系列: Pixie Magic
分類: Adventure stories (Children's / Teenage) ,
Fantasy & magical realism (Children's / Teenage) ,
For National Curriculum Key Stage 1 ,
Interest age: from c 5 years  
書城編號: 27036176

售價: $91.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Hachette Children's Group
出版日期: 2023/07/06
ISBN: 9781408367513
>> 相關實體書

Best friends Alice and Leo love making things, and they're never happier than when they're working together in Leo's garden shed, which they've turned into an arts and crafts studio. Then one day they are transported to a miniature world where magical creatures - the Pixies and Glitterbugs - use their creative talents to make special objects from items that were once treasured. The Pixies' magic gives these objects the power to solve people's problems!But disaster strikes when Grimble and Grumble, the mean Nixies, steal Emerald the Jewellery Pixie's magical tools. Now Emerald can't use her special crafting skill to make a magical friendship bracelet to help a child at Leo and Alice's school. Can the friends work together to use their talents - and a dash of Pixie Magic - to save the day, so that everyone can enjoy the magic of creativity?This magical new series is tailor-made to appeal to young readers including existing Daisy Meadows fans, with a winning combination of magic, friendship and craft.
Pixie Magic

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Pixie Magic: Emerald and the Friendship Bracelet: Book 1 (Paperback)

eBook: Emerald and the Friendship Bracelet: Book 1 (DRM EPUB)

Daisy Meadows 作者作品表

Rainbow Magic: Preeti the Prom Fairy (Paperback)

Rainbow Magic Special Edition: Florence the Friendship Fairy (Paperback)

Rainbow Magic Special Edition: Florence the Friendship Fairy (Paperback)

Pixie Magic: Indigo and the Painting Promise: Book 5 (Paperback)

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Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies Book #6: Molly the Goldfish Fairy (Paperback)

Rainbow Magic Special Edition: Belle the Birthday Fairy (Paperback)

eBook: Zelda the Gamer Fairy (DRM EPUB)

Rainbow Magic: Zelda the Gamer Fairy (Paperback)

Rainbow Magic Pet Fairies Book #5: Harriet the Hamster Fairy (Paperback)

eBook: Happy Halloween Collection: Six Stories in One! (DRM EPUB)

Rainbow Magic: Happy Halloween Collection: Six Stories in One! (Paperback)

Pixie Magic: Lacey and the Enchanted Thimble: Book 4 (Paperback)

eBook: Lacey and the Enchanted Thimble: Book 4 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Yasmeen the Kayaking Fairy: The Water Sports Fairies Book 3 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Keiko the Diving Fairy: The Water Sports Fairies Book 4 (DRM EPUB)

Rainbow Magic: Keiko the Diving Fairy: The Water Sports Fairies Book 4 (Paperback)

Rainbow Magic: Yasmeen the Kayaking Fairy: The Water Sports Fairies Book 3 (Paperback)

Rainbow Magic: Luna the Loom Band Fairy: Special (Paperback)

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