eBook: Friendly Animals: A Christmas Story (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: James Newman Gray 
分類: Children's / Teenage fiction & true stories  
書城編號: 27036531

原價: HK$143.00
現售: HK$135.85 節省: HK$7.15

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製造商: Gibbs Smith
出版日期: 2023/09/12
頁數: 32
ISBN: 9781423665151
>> 相關實體書

A gentle retelling of the first Christmas through the perspective of the animals in the barn who offered their own gifts to the baby Jesus. Joyful and sweetly illustrated, The Friendly Animals: A Christmas Story is perfect for those looking to teach little ones about the nativity.The Friendly Animals: A Christmas Story is taken from a centuries-old folk song now brightly and gently illustrated. This traditional Christmas story is perfect to read to small children during the holidays to teach about the nativity and the heart-felt gifts the animals at the manger gave to baby Jesus, sharing their kindness and love.
James Newman Gray 作者作品表

Swan Lake: A Musical Book: Wind-Up Music Box Book (Board Books)

eBook: Friendly Animals: A Christmas Story (DRM EPUB)



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Colour in Peace Postcards (Hardcover)

Colour in Peace (Paperback)


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