eBook: Ecopolitics: Redefining the Polis (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Gerard Kuperus 
分類: Literature: history & criticism ,
Social & political philosophy ,
Applied ecology  
書城編號: 27037268

售價: $454.00

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製造商: State University of New York Press
出版日期: 2023/09/01
頁數: 236
ISBN: 9781438494272
>> 相關實體書

Against the idea of social contract theories that suggest humans invented the political, Gerard Kuperus argues that we have always been political and that our species came into existence in a world that was already political. By studying the rich social and political lives of other animals, Ecopolitics provides suggestions for how to think and feel differently about ourselves, our relationship to other people, and the places and beings around us. Kuperus suggests we understand ourselves as part of an ecopolitical community consisting of humans and other living beings as well as inanimate objects. By recognizing nature itself as utterly political and seeing ourselves as a part of this larger political unity, we can come to face the real challenges of our times. This means that we are not simply putting ourselves in nature as we are. We are also changing who we are.
Gerard Kuperus 作者作品表

Ecopolitics: Redefining the Polis (Paperback)

Ecopolitics: Redefining the Polis (Hardcover)

eBook: Ecopolitics: Redefining the Polis (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ecopolitical Homelessness: Defining place in an unsettled world (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ecopolitical Homelessness: Defining place in an unsettled world (DRM PDF)

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