eBook: Botanical Baking: Contemporary baking and cake decorating with edible flowers and herbs (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Juliet Sear 
分類: General cookery & recipes ,
Desserts ,
Cakes, baking, icing & sugarcraft  
書城編號: 27037807

原價: HK$195.00
現售: HK$185.25 節省: HK$9.75

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製造商: David & Charles
出版日期: 2019/05/09
ISBN: 9781446377888

“Sear’s food styling background is apparent . . . Home bakers looking to up their decorating game will want to check out this eye-catching cookbook.” —Publishers Weekly Learn how to perfect the prettiest trend in cake decorating—using edible flowers and herbs to decorate your cakes and bakes—with this impossibly beautiful guide from celebrity baker Juliet Sear. Learn what flowers are edible and great for flavour, how to use, preserve, store and apply them including pressing, drying and crystallising flowers and petals. Then follow Juliet step-by- step as she creates around twenty beautiful botanical cakes that showcase edible flowers and herbs, including more top trends such as a confetti cake, a wreath cake, a gin and tonic cake, floral chocolate bark, a naked cake, a jelly cake, a letter cake and more. “I’m not sure yet which is more impressive, Juliet’s decorating skills or how good her cakes taste.” —Buddy Valastro of Cake Boss“A feast for the eyes. You’ll not find a more beautiful baking book. Blooming marvellous!” —Fearne Cotton, English broadcaster and author“Juliet’s stunning botanical book shouts springtime and happy times!” —Melissa Hemsley, author of Feel Good: Quick and Easy Recipes for Comfort and Joy“A new kind of professional has now entered thefood business: cakeologist. Well known in theU.K. forherfanciful creations with edibleblooms (shecounts PrinceHarry, KateMoss, and SirIan McKellen among hercustomers), Searoffers 30 wares to U.S. bakers . . . Sear, who’s been highlighted in Martha Stewart Weddings, deserves a major ‘hip!’ for her forher accomplishments.” —Booklist (starred review)
Juliet Sear 作者作品表

Air Fryer Baking Magic: Over 100 Incredible Recipes for Every Baking Occasion (Hardcover)

eBook: Air Fryer Baking Magic: 100 Incredible Recipes for Every Baking Occasion (DRM EPUB)

Botanical Baking: Contemporary Baking and Cake Decorating with Edible Flowers and Herbs (Paperback)

Botanical Baking (Hardcover)

eBook: Botanical Baking: Contemporary baking and cake decorating with edible flowers and herbs (DRM EPUB)

Kawaii Cakes (Hardcover)

Cakeology: Over 20 Sensational Step-by-Step Cake Decorating Projects (Hardcover)

The Cake Decorating Bible: The step-by-step guide from ITV's 'Beautiful Baking' expert Juliet Sear (Hardcover)

eBook: Cake Decorating Bible: The step-by-step guide from ITV s Beautiful Baking expert Juliet Sear (DRM EPUB)

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