eBook: Proverbs (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: John Goldingay 
書城編號: 27040365

售價: $793.00

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製造商: WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
出版日期: 2023/10/12
ISBN: 9781467462983

What Proverbs meant to its original audience—and what it means to Christians today.On one hand, Proverbs is perfectly straightforward—a collection of short statements on how to live wisely and well. On the other, the advice of Proverbs, written millennia ago, can seem disconnected from the realities of life today.John Goldingay’s fresh commentary untangles Proverbs with an eye toward Christian formation. Examining the text in English, Goldingay explains each verse in its original context without getting bogged down in technical detail. The commentary centers theological insights beneficial to preaching and pastoral work.The wisdom of Proverbs can’t be reduced to platitudes. It requires something of the reader: thought, reflection, and openness to the Lord. The Commentaries for Christian Formation Proverbs guides us in the journey of faith seeking understanding.
John Goldingay 作者作品表

Approaches to Old Testament Interpretation (Hardcover)

Approaches to Old Testament Interpretation (Paperback)

Every Day for Everyone: 365 Devotions from Genesis to Revelation (Hardcover)

Songs from a Strange Land: Psalms 42-51 (Paperback)

Remembering Ann (Paperback)

Models for Scripture (Paperback)

Models for Interpretation of Scripture (Paperback)

Songs from a Strange Land: Psalms 42-51 (Hardcover)

Models for Interpretation of Scripture (Hardcover)

Models for Scripture (Hardcover)

God's Prophet, God's Servant: A Study in Jeremiah and Isaiah 40-55 (Hardcover)

The Theology of the Book of Samuel (Hardcover)

eBook: Theology of the Book of Samuel (DRM EPUB)

The Theology of the Book of Samuel (Paperback)

eBook: Proverbs (DRM EPUB)

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