eBook: Lifeblood (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Gena Showalter 
書城編號: 27043695

原價: HK$26.00
現售: HK$24.7 節省: HK$1.3

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製造商: Harlequin
出版日期: 2017/02/28
ISBN: 9781488015298

From a New York Times bestseller, a "gripping" sequel that "will captivate fantasy readers, especially fans of Sarah J. Maas . . . and Susan Dennard" (School Library Journal)."My Firstlife is over, but my Everlife is only now beginning."With her last living breath, Tenley "Ten" Lockwood made her choice and picked her realm in the Everlife. Now, as the war between Troika and Myriad rages, she must face the consequences.Because Ten possesses a rare supernatural ability to absorb and share light, the Powers That Be have the highest expectations for her future-and the enemy wants her neutralized. Fighting to save her Secondlife, she must learn about her realm from the ground up while launching her first mission: convincing a select group of humans to join her side before they die. No pressure, right? But Ten's competition is Killian, the boy she can't forget-the one who gave up everything for her happiness. He has only one shot at redemption: beating Ten at a game she's never even played. As their throw-downs heat up, so do their undeniable feelings, and soon, Ten will have to make another choice. Love . . . or victory."Tense, philosophical, and enthralling." -Kirkus Reviews
Gena Showalter 作者作品表

The Wrath: A Paranormal Romance (Reissue) (Mass Market Paperbound)

The Wrath (Original) (Hardcover)

The Wrath (MP3 CD)

The Wrath (Compact Disc)

The Phantom (Mass Market Paperbound)

Sin compasión (Paperback)

Sin corazón (Paperback)

El príncipe más oscuro (Paperback)

eBook: Sin compasión (DRM EPUB)

The Phantom (MP3 CD)

The Phantom (Compact Disc)

eBook: E-Pack HQN Gena Showalter noviembre 2022 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Original Heartbreakers Volume Three/Can't Hardly Breathe/Can't Let Go (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ruthless (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Original Heartbreakers Volume Two/The Hotter You Burn/The Harder You Fall (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Original Heartbreakers Volume One/The One You Want/The Closer You Come (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Immortal (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Sin corazon (DRM EPUB)

eBook: E-Pack Gena Showalter 2 febrero 2022 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: E-Pack Gena Showalter 1 julio 2021 (DRM EPUB)

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