eBook: Bushranger's Wife (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Cheryl Adnams 
分類: Historical fiction  
書城編號: 27045077

售價: $354.00

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製造商: Escape Publishing
出版日期: 2019/08/01
頁數: 352
ISBN: 9781489291134
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He stole her locket ... she stole his heart. Central Highlands of Victoria, 1861Jack the Devil's reputation precedes him. The most notorious bushranger on the Central Highlands, nothing throws him off his game ... until he holds up Prudence Stanforth and her grandmother. Jack can't help but be captivated by the feisty Pru, with her sweeping red hair and complete lack of fear.Weeks later, Pru crosses paths with the respectable businessman Jack Fairweather, and it's not long before she recognises him as the bushranger who stole her beloved necklace. His price for the locket's return is her silence ... and a kiss. A kiss that sparks something inside them both.When Pru discovers her grandmother has been keeping a devastating secret, running away with Jack the Devil is the perfect escape for her broken heart. The dangerous nature of his less-than-salubrious occupation is a poetic contradiction to her sheltered upbringing and only fuels their passion. Until that danger becomes a reality. Between the return of dark elements from Jack's past and authorities intent on his capture, Jack and Pru must fight for their future together ... or risk losing everything. A rollicking historical tale about following your heart, finding home in unexpected places - and bushrangers - for readers of Darry Fraser and Alison Stuart.PRAISE:'The Bushranger's Wife is a story filled with passion, danger, adventure and the true power of love. It is fast-paced and heartwarming, flirty and sensual. It has all the elements of a perfect romance read.' Beauty and Lace'A dangerous bushranger, a feisty young woman ahead of her time, a stolen necklace and an undeniable love tryst defines this heart pounding tale from Cheryl Adnams ... This is one fiery tale!' Mrs B Book Reviews
Cheryl Adnams 作者作品表

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eBook: Bushranger's Wife (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Billionaire's Christmas Gift (DRM EPUB)

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