eBook: Memories of Africa: Home and Abroad in the United States (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Toyin Falola 
系列: Atlantic Migrations and the African Diaspora
分類: Literary studies: general ,
Migration, immigration & emigration ,
Black & Asian studies ,
Africa ,
書城編號: 27048470

原價: HK$390.00
現售: HK$370.5 節省: HK$19.5

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製造商: University Press of Mississippi
出版日期: 2023/03/24
頁數: 256
ISBN: 9781496843456
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Memories of Africa: Home and Abroad in the United States suggests a new lens for viewing African Diaspora studies: the experiences of African memoirists who live in the United States. The book shows how African Diaspora memoirs beautifully and grippingly depict the experiences of African migrants over time through political, social, and cultural spheres. In reading African Diaspora memoirs from the transatlantic slave trade period to the present, a reader can understand the complexity of the African migrant legacy and evolution.Author Toyin Falola argues that memoirs are significant not only in their interpretation of events conveyed by the memoirists but also in demonstrating how interpersonal and human the stories told can be. Memoirs are powerful because they are emotionally captivating and because important themes and events circulate around a particular person (in this case, the memoirist). Undoubtedly, a memoir is significant because it can teach anyone about a part of the human experience, even if the "facts" are not described without bias. Through this sort of narrative, the reader cannot help but enter into the memoirist's mind and, therefore, feel more empathy for them. In doing so, the reader can "feel" what the memoirist feels and "see" what the memoirist sees as clearly as is humanly possible. In this way, the historical events and life lessons become tangible and poignantly real to the reader.
Atlantic Migrations and the African Diaspora

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Toyin Falola 作者作品表

Daily Life in Postcolonial Africa (Hardcover)

African Memoirs and Cultural Representations: Narrating Traditions (Paperback)

Transformations in History: African Societies and Economies in the Works of Paul Lovejoy (Hardcover)

Understanding Colonial Nigeria: British Rule and Its Impact (Hardcover)

Understanding Colonial Nigeria: British Rule and Its Impact (Paperback)

Chinua Achebe: Narrating Africa in Fictions and History (Hardcover)

Chinua Achebe: Narrating Africa in Fictions and History (Paperback)

eBook: Transformations in History: African Societies and Economies in The Works of Paul Lovejoy (DRM EPUB)

Global Yorùbá: Regional and Diasporic Networks (Hardcover)

eBook: Milestones in African Literature (DRM PDF)

eBook: Milestones in African Literature (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Writing the History of the African Diaspora (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Decolonizing African History (DRM PDF)

Decolonizing African History (Paperback)

eBook: History of West Africa (DRM PDF)

eBook: History of West Africa (DRM EPUB)

A History of West Africa (Paperback)

A History of West Africa (Hardcover)

Africa in Global History: A Handbook (Paperback)

eBook: Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni and African Decolonial Studies (DRM EPUB)

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