eBook: Indebted Woman: Kinship, Sexuality, and Capitalism (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Isabelle Guerin, Santosh Kumar, G. Venkatasubramanian 
系列: Culture and Economic Life
分類: Gender studies, gender groups ,
Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography ,
Political economy  
書城編號: 27049230

售價: $260.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Stanford University Press
出版日期: 2023/09/19
頁數: 248
ISBN: 9781503636910
>> 相關實體書

Women, and particularly poor women, have become essential cogs in the wheel of financialized capitalism. Globally, women are responsible for managing household debt, and that debt has exploded over the last decade, reaching an all-time high after the COVID-19 pandemic. Across various categories of loans, including subprime lending, microcredit policies, and consumer loans, as well as rent and utilities, women are overrepresented as clients and managers, and are being enfolded into the system. The Indebted Woman discusses the crucial yet invisible roles poor women play in making and consolidating debt and credit markets. Isabelle Guerin, Santosh Kumar, and G. Venkatasubramanian spent over two decades observing a credit market that specifically targets women in the Indian countryside of east-central Tamil Nadu. They found that paying off debts required labor, frequently involved sexual transactions, and shaped women's bodies and subjectivities. Bringing together ethnography, statistical surveys, and financial diaries, they offer for the first time a comprehensive theory for this sexual division of debt that goes far beyond the Indian case, exposing the ways capitalism transforms womanhood and how this transformation in turn fuels capitalism.
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Isabelle Guerin 作者作品表

The Indebted Woman: Kinship, Sexuality, and Capitalism (Hardcover)

The Indebted Woman: Kinship, Sexuality, and Capitalism (Paperback)

The Crises of Microcredit (paperback)

The Crises of Microcredit (hardcover)

Santosh Kumar 作者作品表

Future Optical Access Network: Design and Modelling of Fttx/5g/Iot/Smart City Applications and Services (2024) (Hardcover)

eBook: Thermal Spray Coatings: Materials, Techniques & Applications (DRM EPUB)

Examining Employee Involvement and Stress Dynamics (Paperback)

Suduko game book (Paperback)

High Temperature Corrosion and Oxidation (Paperback)

Emerging Technologies in Food Preservation (Hardcover)

Women Entrepreneurship and Micro-Finance (Paperback)

Double Khassi / डबल खस्सी (Paperback)

Football Tournament (Paperback)

Sangh Aur Sarkar (Paperback)

Sangh Aur Sarkar (Paperback)

eBook: Recent Developments in Mathematical Programming (DRM PDF)

eBook: Recent Developments in Mathematical Programming (DRM EPUB)

Bharat Kaise Hua Modimaya (Hardcover)

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eBook: Crop Breeding: Bioinformatics and Preparing for Climate Change (DRM EPUB)

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