eBook: Success Myth: Our obsession with achievement is a trap. This is how to break free (mp3 zips)
電子書格式: mp3 zips
作者: Emma Gannon 
分類: Advice on careers & achieving success ,
Popular psychology  
書城編號: 27053889

售價: $152.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Transworld
出版日期: 2023/05/18
ISBN: 9781529904635

Brought to you by Penguin.OUR OBSESSION WITH ACHIEVEMENT IS A TRAP. THIS IS HOW TO BREAK FREE.Emma Gannon had everything she'd longed for: a string of successful books to her name, a thriving portfolio career, speaking engagements around the world... She was also burned out and confused at why she felt unhappy, yet still striving for more.After taking a deep look at her own journey, and interviewing many other successful people on her podcast Ctrl, Alt, Delete, she has realised that our overly celebrated and traditional version of success is making us lonely, unfulfilled and dispirited. Now she has worked out a way to do things differently.Exploring the most commonly held myths about what it traditionally means to be successful, from money to happiness to ticking society's ready-made boxes, The Success Myth will give you the belief and tools to walk away from 'having it all'. A manifesto to craft work (and life) on your own terms, it encourages you to be honest about what truly sparks your interests, and helps to uncover your individual path to a truly fulfilling life, whatever that may look like.(c)2023 Emma Gannon (P)2023 Penguin Audio
Emma Gannon 作者作品表

The Success Myth: Our obsession with achievement is a trap. This is how to break free (Paperback)

Disconnected: How to Stay Human in an Online World (Compact Disc)

The Multi-Hyphen Life: Work Less, Create More, and Design a Life That Works for You (Compact Disc)

The Multi-Hyphen Life: Work Less, Create More, and Design a Life That Works for You (MP3 CD)

Olive (MP3 CD)

Sabotage: How to Get Out of Your Own Way (Compact Disc)

Disconnected: How to Stay Human in an Online World (MP3 CD)

Olive (Compact Disc)

Sabotage: How to Get Out of Your Own Way (MP3 CD)

eBook: Success Myth: Our obsession with achievement is a trap. This is how to break free (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Success Myth: Our obsession with achievement is a trap. This is how to break free (mp3 zips)

The Success Myth: Our obsession with achievement is a trap. This is how to break free (Hardcover)

Emma Gannon Untitled Book 2 (Hardcover)

Emma Gannon Untitled Book 2 (Paperback)

eBook: Disconnected: How to Stay Human in an Online World (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Disconnected: How to Stay Human in an Online World (mp3 zips)

Olive (Paperback)

eBook: Disconnected: How to Stay Human in an Online World (DRM EPUB)

Disconnected: How to Stay Human in an Online World (Hardcover)

Olive (Paperback)

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