eBook: Wildcrafted Fermentation: Exploring, Transforming, and Preserving the Wild Flavors of Your Local Terroir (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Pascal Baudar 
分類: Health & wholefood cookery ,
National & regional cuisine ,
Preserving & freezing ,
Trees, wildflowers & plants  
書城編號: 27059499

原價: HK$389.00
現售: HK$369.55 節省: HK$19.45

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製造商: Chelsea Green Publishing
出版日期: 2020/03/12
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9781603588522
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"I am in awe of this book"Sandor Katz, author of The Art of FermentationWild krauts and kimchis, fermented forest brews, seawater brines, plant-based cheeses, and more with over 100 easy-to-follow recipes!Featured in The Independent's (UK) "7 Best Fermentation Books of 2020"One of the most influential tastemakers of our time invites you on an extraordinary culinary journey into the lacto-fermentation universe of common wild edibles. Used for thousands of years by different cultures all around the world, lacto-fermentation is the easiest, safest, and most delicious way to preserve food. And nature provides all the necessary ingredients: plants, salt, and the beneficial lactic acid bacteria found everywhere.In Wildcrafted Fermentation, Pascal Baudar describes in detail and through step-by-step color photos how to create rich flavorful ferments:At homeFrom the wild plants in your local landscapeFrom the cultivated plants in your gardenFrom sauerkrauts and kimchis to savory pastes, hot sauces, and dehydrated spice blends, Baudar includes more than 100 easy-to-follow, plant-based recipes to inspire even the most jaded palate. The step-by-step photos illustrate foraging, preparation, and fermentation techniques for both wild and cultivated plants that will change your relationship to the edible landscape and give you the confidence to succeed like a pro.So much more than a cookbook, Wildcrafted Fermentation offers a deeply rewarding way to reconnect with nature through the greens, stems, roots, berries, fruits, and seeds of your local terroir. Adventurous and creative, this cookbook will help you rewild your probiotic palate and "create a cuisine unique to you and your environment."
Pascal Baudar 作者作品表

The New Wildcrafted Cuisine: Exploring the Exotic Gastronomy of Local Terroir (Paperback)

eBook: Wildcrafted Vinegars: Making and Using Unique Acetic Acid Ferments for Quick Pickles, Hot Sauces, Soups, Salad Dressings, Pastes, Mustards, and

Wildcrafted Fermentation (Paperback)

eBook: Wildcrafted Fermentation: Exploring, Transforming, and Preserving the Wild Flavors of Your Local Terroir (DRM EPUB)

Wildcrafting Brewer (Paperback)

eBook: Wildcrafting Brewer: Creating Unique Drinks and Boozy Concoctions from Nature's Ingredients (DRM EPUB)

New Wildcrafted Cuisine (Hardcover)

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