eBook: Regenerative Grower's Guide to Garden Amendments: Using Locally Sourced Materials to Make Mineral and Biological Extracts and Ferments (DRM EPU
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Nigel Palmer, John Kempf 
分類: Soil science, sedimentology ,
Agricultural science ,
Sustainable agriculture ,
Organic gardening  
書城編號: 27059524

原價: HK$324.00
現售: HK$307.8 節省: HK$16.2

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製造商: Chelsea Green Publishing
出版日期: 2020/08/07
頁數: 224
ISBN: 9781603589895
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Revitalize your garden-and go beyond compost-by making your own biologically diverse inoculants and mineral-rich amendments using leaf mold, weeds, eggshells, bones, and other materials available for little or no cost! In The Regenerative Grower's Guide to Garden Amendments, experimental gardener and author Nigel Palmer provides practical, detailed instructions that are accessible to every grower who wants to achieve a truly sustainable garden ecosystem-all while enjoying better results at a fraction of the cost of commercial fertilizer products. These recipes go beyond fertilizer replacement, resulting in greater soil biological activity and mineral availability. They also increase pest and disease resistance, yields, and nutrient density.Recipes include:Extracting nutrients from plant residues using simple rainwater techniquesExtracting minerals from bones and shells using vinegarFermenting plant juices and fishCulturing indigenous microorganisms (IMO)Inspired by the work of many innovative traditional agricultural pioneers, especially Cho Ju-Young (founder of the Korean Natural Farming method), The Regenerative Grower's Guide to Garden Amendments also includes a primer on plant-soil interaction, instructions for conducting a soil test, and guidance on compost, cover cropping, mulching, measuring the quality of fruits and vegetables using a refractometer, and other aspects of sustainable gardening-making it a must-have resource for any serious grower.

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