eBook: Skeletons (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Deborah Landau 
分類: Poetry  
書城編號: 27062617

原價: HK$234.00
現售: HK$222.3 節省: HK$11.7

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製造商: Copper Canyon Press
出版日期: 2023/04/04
ISBN: 9781619322677
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Witty and glam, Skeletons is a prismatic collectionwhich shrugs off even the most disillusioned nihilist with humor and intimacy.Existentialism takes on a glamorous flair in Deborah Landaus dazzling new collection. Through a series of poems preoccupied with loneliness and mortality, Skeletons flashes with prismatic effect across the persistent allure of the flesh. Initiated during Brooklyns early lockdown, the book reflects the increasingly troubling simultaneity of Eros and Thanatos, and the discontents of our virtual lives amidst the threats of a pandemic and corrosive politics. Spring blooms relentlessly while the ambulances siren by. Against the mounting pressure that propels the acrostic Skeletons, a series of interstitial companion poems titled Flesh negotiate intimacy and desire. The collection culminates in an ecstatic sequence celebrating the love and connection that persist despite our fraught present moment. Shrugging off her own anxiety and disillusionment with characteristic humor and pitch-perfect cadence, Landau finds levity in pyrotechnic lines, sonic play, and a wholly original language, asking: Any way outta this bag of bones?
Deborah Landau 作者作品表

Skeletons (Paperback)

eBook: Skeletons (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Skeletons (DRM EPUB)

Soft Targets (Paperback)

eBook: Soft Targets (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Uses of the Body (DRM EPUB)

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