eBook: Frommer's Paris 2024 (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Anna E. Brooke 
分類: France  
書城編號: 27064140

原價: HK$298.00
現售: HK$283.1 節省: HK$14.9

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製造商: Frommermedia
出版日期: 2023/11/21
ISBN: 9781628875706

Paris leads the world's other cities in art and cuisine, in architecture and history, in music and sculpture, in philosophy and political ferment, in nearly every other area on interest to the visitor.It has to be seen and experienced, and done so in a thoughtful manner. Understanding the citys story and culture will add immeasurably to a trip to the City of Light.Written by longtime Paris resident, Anna E. Brooke,Frommer's Paris 2024is a portable tribute to the city and a roadmap to creating a hassle-free trip of a lifetime. From the world-famous panorama of the Champs-Elyse to the hip and bustling streetlife around the Bastille, from how to beat crowds at the Louvre to the ideal way to experience the Eiffel Tower, the book is packed with solid tips, illuminates the zeitgeist of the city today, and includes: Evocative, color photos throughout Local knowledgeon the best places to eat and how to avoid tourist traps Detailed mapsmarked with attractions, hotels, restaurants, and Mtro stops Exact pricing for hotels, restaurants, attractions, toursso theres never any guessingplus invaluable advice about what youll need to reserve in advance Full-color Paris Mtro map Fun, self-guided walking toursspanning the city, with maps A chapter of useful phrasesincluding a pronunciation guide Fascinating and easy-to-readbackground on the culture, history and art of the City of Light Picks in all price categories, so you can splurge or be frugal, using the Frommers star rating system Full section on suggested side-tripsto Giverny, Versailles, Disneyland Paris, and more PLUS! A handy pull-out, indexed mapof ParisAbout Frommers: Theres a reason that Frommers has been the most trusted name in travel for more than 65 years. Arthur Frommer created the bestselling guide series in 1957 to help American service members fulfill their dreams of travel in Europe. Since then, we have published thousands of titles, becoming a household name by helping millions upon millions of people realize their own dreams of seeing our planet. Travel is easy with Frommers.
Anna E. Brooke 作者作品表

Frommer's France (0025) (Paperback)

eBook: Frommer's Paris day by day (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Frommer's Paris 2024 (DRM EPUB)

Frommer's Paris 2024 (0009) (Paperback)

eBook: Frommer's EasyGuide to Paris (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Frommer's EasyGuide to Paris 2020 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Frommer's EasyGuide to Paris 2019 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Frommer's EasyGuide to Paris 2017 (DRM EPUB)

Frommer's Easyguide to Paris (Paperback)

eBook: Frommer's Paris day by day (DRM PDF)

eBook: Frommer's Paris day by day (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Frommer's Paris day by day (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Frommer's Paris day by day (DRM PDF)

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