eBook: Talking Back to the Exterminator (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Daniel Bourne 
書城編號: 27069608

售價: $130.00

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製造商: Regal House Publishing
出版日期: 2024/07/16
ISBN: 9781646034826

Poems, like politics, can be local and global, personal and cultural. In Daniel Bourne' s Talking Back to the Exterminator, we see this interplay at work in these ruminations on place- our connections and disconnections to it- from Bourne' s upbringing in southern Illinois to his later homes in Ohio, Poland, or the American Southwest. This connection certainly involves a sense of celebration, but also of anxiety and tension in realizing the fragility and impermanence of both self and surroundings. Yet, despite the opportunity as well as the challenge of memory- the way it is continually erased yet also continues to scribble in the brain- these poems also bear witness to how we push back against all the " exterminations" in our lives.
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