eBook: Unfuck Your Friendships (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Faith G. Harper 
書城編號: 27070961

售價: $130.00

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製造商: Microcosm Publishing LLC
出版日期: 2021/10/12
ISBN: 9781648410109

Friendship deserves more credit in a society obsessed with romantic and sexual relationships. In reality, friendship is the key to our mental and physical health, happiness, and social cohesion. Dr. Faith Harper, therapist and bestselling author of Unfuck Your Intimacy and Unfuck Your Boundaries applies brain science and her clinical and personal experience to help understand this vital type of relationship, offering insight into how to choose and make friends, sustaining and strengthening your friendships, friend group dynamics, friend breakups, setting excellent friendship boundaries, handling conflict, and managing all the different kinds of relationships we encounter in our lives. Includes a series of original advice columns honing in on the details that make our friendships work. 
Faith G. Harper 作者作品表

Unfuck Your Brain: A Deck of Wit, Wisdom & Badass Reminders from Dr. Faith G. Harper

The Essential Dr. Faith: Using Science to Boost Your Brain, Body, Intimacy, and Boundaries (Paperback)

Calma Tu Pinche Cabeza: Superando El Estrés, La Ansiedad Y Todo Lo Que Arruine Tu Vida / Unfuck Your Brain (Paperback)

Unfuck Your Shame: Using Science to Accept Our Feelings, Resolve Guilt, and Connect with Ourselves (Paperback)

Intimacy Conversation Deck: Reflections and Discussions about Love, Sex, and Dating

Unfuck Your Kink: Using Science to Enjoy Mind-Blowing Bdsm, Fetishes, Fantasy, Porn, and Whatever Your Pervy Heart Desires (Paperback)

Woke Parenting (Compact Disc)

Unfuck Your Anger Workbook: Using Science to Understand Frustration, Rage, and Forgiveness (Paperback)

Unfuck Your Stress: Using Science to Cope with Distress and Embrace Excitement (Paperback)

Stress Coping Skills Deck

Unfuck Your Sex Toys: Make Your Own DIY Tools & Macgyver Your Sexytimes (Paperback)

Unfuck Your Burnout: How to Survive Your Overwhelming Life (Paperback)

Unf*ck Your Body: Using Science to Eat, Sleep, Breathe, Move, and Feel Better (Compact Disc)

eBook: Unf*ck Your Body (mp3 zips)

Unf*ck Your Body: Using Science to Eat, Sleep, Breathe, Move, and Feel Better (MP3 CD)

eBook: Befriend Your Brain (mp3 zips)

Befriend Your Brain: A Young Person's Guide to Dealing with Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Freak-Outs, and Trigger (MP3 CD)

Befriend Your Brain: A Young Person's Guide to Dealing with Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Freak-Outs, and Trigger (Compact Disc)

eBook: Unfuck Your Cunnilingus (DRM EPUB)

Unfuck Your Brain: Getting Over Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Freak-Outs, and Triggers with science (5-Minute Therapy) (Paperback)

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