eBook: Transmasculine Guide to Physical Transition, The (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Sage Buch 
書城編號: 27070980

售價: $182.00

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製造商: Microcosm Publishing LLC
出版日期: 2023/02/07
ISBN: 9781648410734

This in-depth exploration of all aspects of physical transition is an accessible and supportive guide for transgender men, transmasculine people, and nonbinary people. Drawing on their personal experience and extensive research, Sage Buch walks you through a wide array of safe transition options. Inside, you'll learn about non-medical interventions like chest binding and packing, explore the varieties and effects of hormone replacement therapy, and get a comprehensive primer on choosing, preparing for, and recovering from top and bottom surgery. Medical research and jargon is made accessible, side effects and pros and cons are clearly spelled out, and empowering perspectives help you consider what transition path is right for you. Everything always comes back to checking in with yourself at every step of the way so that you can enjoy the unique self-expression that comes with finding yourself and who you are meant to be. Reading can be enhanced by working through The Transmasculine Guide to Physical Transition Workbook as you read.
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