eBook: Consensuality: Navigating Feminism, Gender, and Boundaries Towards Loving Relationships (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Helen Wildfell 
書城編號: 27070991

售價: $129.00

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製造商: Microcosm Publishing LLC
出版日期: 2023/01/03
ISBN: 9781648411212

There are infinite possibilities in human relationships, but the fairytale ideal of companionship does not exist for most people. In Consensuality, Helen Wildfell and her co-adventurers detail the process for creating or finding a healthy, successful relationship as well as common pitfalls and how to avoid them, like gender identity, sexual boundaries, power struggles, and emotional dysfunction. Overcoming regret and resentment, the authors describe a journey towards a respectful social environment. Their experiences lead to lessons of self-empowerment and communication tips for building healthy partnerships. We recognize their preferences and boundaries. We discuss how those fit with our own preferences and boundaries. Filled with personal descriptions of the complex layers in human interaction, the book combines gender studies with memoir to truly make the personal political.
Helen Wildfell 作者作品表

eBook: Consensuality: Navigating Feminism, Gender, and Boundaries Towards Loving Relationships (DRM EPUB)

Consensuality (Paperback)

eBook: Consensuality: Navigating Feminism, Gender, and Boundaries Towards Loving Relationships (DRM PDF)

eBook: Consensuality: Navigating Feminism, Gender, and Boundaries Towards Loving Relationships (DRM EPUB)

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