eBook: Southern Fried Sass: A Queen's Guide to Cooking, Decorating, and Living Just a Little "Extra" (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ginger Minj, Jenna Glatzer 
分類: Biography: general ,
Gay & Lesbian studies ,
TV / celebrity chef cookbooks ,
National & regional cuisine ,
Humour ,
Of specific Gay & Lesbian interest ,
Central Southern states  
書城編號: 27077185

售價: $221.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

出版日期: 2023/11/07
頁數: 272
ISBN: 9781668005484
>> 相關實體書

RuPaul's Drag Race superstar Ginger Minj shares her favorite recipes, best advice, and wildest stories in this hilarious book that's part memoir, part cookbook. Perfect for fans of Trixie and Katya's Guide to Modern Womanhood.Drag icon Ginger Minj brings her signature humor and sass to this tongue-in-cheek memoir-cum-life manual-cum-cookbook. Featuring Ginger's favorite Southern-inspired recipes, Southern Fried Sass showcases some of her most vulnerable and celebratory moments, revealing the most valuable lessons she's learned after years in drag and the pearls of wisdom she's gleaned from her grandmother's personal brand of Southern resilience. You'll cheer for Ginger as she spills the tea with exclusive behind-the-scenes details from three seasons of RuPaul's Drag Race and offers her best advice on everything from contouring to cooking and setting the table for a full-on Southern-style Thanksgiving dinner. Did we say dinner? Here, you'll find more than fifty recipes, including The Minx's Sick'ning Scalloped Pineapple Paradise, Red Barn BBQ Ribs platter, Better Than Sex cake, and countless other decadent desserts. From fighting for what you're worth to looking good on a motorcycle as a big girl to finding love while also making damn good cupcakes, this is the perfect gift for anyone who wants to live their best life.
Ginger Minj 作者作品表

Southern Fried Sass: A Queen's Guide to Cooking, Decorating, and Living Just a Little Extra (Hardcover)

Southern Fried Sass: A Queen's Guide to Cooking, Decorating, and Living Just a Little Extra (Compact Disc)

Jenna Glatzer 作者作品表

Marilyn Monroe (Hardcover)

George Ferris' Grand Idea (Paperback)

eBook: Native American Festivals & Ceremonies (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Make A REAL LIVING as a Freelance Writer: How To Win Top Writing Assignments (DRM PDF)

eBook: Make A REAL LIVING as a Freelance Writer: How To Win Top Writing Assignments (DRM EPUB)

Outwitting Writers' Block: And Other Problems of the Pen (Paperback)

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