eBook: No Mistaking Death: A Marian Warner Mystery (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Shelley Costa 
系列: A Marian Warner Mystery
分類: Crime & mystery  
書城編號: 27079636

售價: $78.00

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製造商: Level Best Books
出版日期: 2023/07/11
頁數: 302
ISBN: 9781685123925

When an old Jesuit Mission House in Carthage, Ohio, is nominated for National Landmark status, the committee sends a private investigator to get to the bottom of the hostile letters they've received. Arriving in Carthage is Marian Warner, a New York PI whose life was dented by the bombing death-years ago-of her radical boyfriend. The only man with any staying power in her life is Charlie Levitan, the editor of the Carthage newspaper, whose relationship with her includes a long personal history. The day before Marian arrives, an older man nobody in town recognizes turns up dead in the Mission House.Soon Marian discovers that the identity of the murdered man implicates every key player in the fight over the fate of the Mission House. But for her, it gets personal when Charlie's lover, a local jazz singer, is found murdered on the property of a powerful landmark preservationist, Jack Girard. What connects the two deaths? Why is a key witness avoiding her? How can she discover the truth in a town where hostilities go public, but secrets are so closely guarded? When Marian finally unmasks a cunning killer, it's at the expense of the defenses it's taken her years to erect.
A Marian Warner Mystery

eBook: No Mistaking Death: A Marian Warner Mystery (DRM EPUB)

Shelley Costa 作者作品表

The Damages: A Marian Warner Mystery (Paperback)

A Killer's Guide to Good Works (Paperback)

No Mistaking Death: A Marian Warner Mystery (Paperback)

eBook: No Mistaking Death: A Marian Warner Mystery (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Basil Instinct (DRM EPUB)

You Cannoli Die Once, 1st Edition

eBook: You Cannoli Die Once (DRM EPUB)

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