eBook: Time Changes Us (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Shantel Gobin 
系列: Social Studies Connect
分類: Educational: Citizenship & social education  
書城編號: 27082216

原價: HK$259.00
現售: HK$246.05 節省: HK$12.95

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製造商: Rourke Educational Media
出版日期: 2023/03/15
頁數: 24
ISBN: 9781731656254
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Life in the United States is always changing. Let's explore the past and the present to see how!This nonfiction book explores how people's lives have changed over time in the US and how they will continue to change.Fun Storybook Features:This children's book supports NGSS and C3 standards and features a photo glossary, index, and a post-reading activity to develop reading comprehension skills.24 pages with vibrant photographsGuided reading level IAbout Rourke Educational Media:We proudly publish respectful and relevant nonfiction and fiction titles that represent our diverse readers, and are designed to support reading on a level that has no limits!
Social Studies Connect

eBook: Citizens of the World (DRM EPUB)

eBook: We Change Places, Places Change Us (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Time Changes Us (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Communities, Families, and Groups (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rights, Responsibilities, and Conflict (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Resources, Needs, and Choices (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rights, Responsibilities, and Conflict (DRM PDF)

eBook: Communities, Families, and Groups (DRM PDF)

eBook: Time Changes Us (DRM PDF)

eBook: We Change Places, Places Change Us (DRM PDF)

eBook: Citizens of the World (DRM PDF)

eBook: Resources, Needs, and Choices (DRM PDF)

Shantel Gobin 作者作品表

eBook: Communities, Families, and Groups (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Citizens of the World (DRM EPUB)

eBook: We Change Places, Places Change Us (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Resources, Needs, and Choices (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rights, Responsibilities, and Conflict (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Time Changes Us (DRM EPUB)

Communities, Families, and Groups (Hardcover)

Rights, Responsibilities, and Conflict (Hardcover)

Resources, Needs, and Choices (Hardcover)

eBook: Resources, Needs, and Choices (DRM PDF)

eBook: Citizens of the World (DRM PDF)

eBook: We Change Places, Places Change Us (DRM PDF)

eBook: Time Changes Us (DRM PDF)

eBook: Communities, Families, and Groups (DRM PDF)

eBook: Rights, Responsibilities, and Conflict (DRM PDF)

Time Changes Us (Hardcover)

We Change Places, Places Change Us (Hardcover)

Citizens of the World (Hardcover)

Resources, Needs, and Choices (Paperback)

Rights, Responsibilities, and Conflict (Paperback)

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