eBook: Shells: A Natural and Cultural History (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Moretzsohn Fabio Moretzsohn, Harasewych M. G. Harasewych 
分類: Animals & nature in art (still life, landscapes & seascapes, etc) ,
Molluscs ,
Natural history  
書城編號: 27087165

原價: HK$358.00
現售: HK$340.1 節省: HK$17.9

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製造商: Reaktion Books
出版日期: 2023/08/17
頁數: 176
ISBN: 9781789147438
>> 相關實體書

Echoing with the sounds of the sea, an exquisite survey of the science and customs of conchs, clams, coquinas, cowries, and much more. Shells have captivated humans from the dawn of time: the earliest known artwork was made on a shell. As well as containers for food, shells have been used as tools, jewelry, decorations for dwellings, and to bring good luck or to ward off spirits. Many Indigenous peoples have used shells as currency, and in a few places, they still do. This beautifully illustrated book investigates the fascinating scientific and cultural history of shells. It examines everything from pearls-the only gems of animal origin-to how shells' diverse colors and shapes are formed. And it reveals how shells have inspired artists throughout history, how shells have been used in architecture, and even how shells can be indicators of changing environmental conditions. Also including two essays by shell expert M. G. Harasewych, emeritus curator of gastropods in the Smithsonian's Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Shells is an authoritative exploration of the deep human connection to these molluscan exoskeletons of sea, lake, land, and stream.

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