eBook: Quiet House: Reflections on the Loss of a Spouse (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ronald J. Greer 
分類: Aspects of religion (non-Christian) ,
Coping with death & bereavement  
書城編號: 27087589

原價: HK$247.00
現售: HK$234.65 節省: HK$12.35

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製造商: Abingdon Press
出版日期: 2023/09/01
ISBN: 9781791028817
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Find comfort in a message of hope and healing.The loss of a spouse is a devastating experience, but pastor Ron Greer invites readers into his own grief journey with messages of hope and healing. The Quiet House calls on the image of a home silenced by absence but also speaks about the possibility of moving forward together through the heartache of loss toward hope. Through an elegant series of personal reflections, Greer, a pastoral counselor, offers steps and reflections of healing while tending to marriage memories. Pastors may find this book a profound help and comfort for grieving members.
Ronald J. Greer 作者作品表

The Quiet House: Reflections on the Loss of a Spouse (The Quiet House) (Paperback)

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