eBook: Political Ecology of Kenya's Mau Forest: The Land, the Trees, and the People (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lisa Elena Fuchs 
系列: Eastern Africa Series
分類: Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography ,
Political economy ,
Social impact of environmental issues ,
書城編號: 27088435

售價: $325.00

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製造商: Boydell & Brewer Ltd
出版日期: 2023/02/21
頁數: 412
ISBN: 9781800109216
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A timely and important examination of the environmental crises, investigating their biophysical, political, economic, and socio-cultural aspects, that reveals why previous conservation efforts failed.The eastern part of the Mau Forest, the most important closed-canopy forest in East Africa, has come under severe threat since the 1990s. In this political ecology Lisa Fuchs exploring the failure of the government-led forest restoration and rehabilitation initiative to 'Save the Mau', launched in 2009, the author examines two of the most contentious issues in Kenya since colonial times: land and the environment. She sheds light on the structural factors and the role of individuals in the forest's destruction and of non-protection and traces the colonial legacy of post-independent environmental conservation policies and practices. In doing so, Fuchs demonstrates that the Mau crisis is more than an environmental crisis: it is also a political, an economic, and a socio-cultural crisis.Though a detailed empirical analysis, the author shows that the 'Mau crisis' led to the near collapse of landscapes and livelihoods in the Mau Forest ecosystem. She traces the implementation of insufficient conservation programmes, which resulted from historical path-dependency and the adoption of global environmental governance blueprints, forest allocation and benefits, and exposes a forest management system that prioritises commercial forest production over biodiversity conservation. Access and entitlements to the highly fertile forest land, and the amalgamation of forest rehabilitation with the reclamation of grabbed public forest are emphasised as a further core contributor to the crisis. The socio-cultural dynamics within and among various forest-dwelling communities, including the indigenous hunting and gathering Ogiek and 'in-migrant' groups, are also analysed. The book highlights that local types of environmentalism are caught between the 'invention of traditions' and 'perverse modernisation' and shows the contradictory effects of the celebrated, highly anticipated but poorly executed 'Save the Mau' initiative, and how the presence of political will to maintain the crisis conditioned its perseverance. Finally, the book proposes realistic alternatives to sustainable forest management in politicised environments, whose relevance and applicability are considerable in this age of anthropogenic 'environmental' crises and conflicts.Published in association with IFRA/AFRICAE
Eastern Africa Series

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Lisa Elena Fuchs 作者作品表

A Political Ecology of Kenya's Mau Forest: The Land, the Trees, and the People (Hardcover)

eBook: Political Ecology of Kenya's Mau Forest: The Land, the Trees, and the People (DRM PDF)

eBook: Political Ecology of Kenya's Mau Forest: The Land, the Trees, and the People (DRM EPUB)

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