eBook: Child Poverty in Wales: Exploring the Challenges for Schooling Future Generations (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lori Beckett 
分類: Wales  
書城編號: 27092711

售價: $260.00

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製造商: University of Wales Press
出版日期: 2023/07/15
頁數: 264
ISBN: 9781837720620

This edited book is about child poverty in Wales, specifically in a local school-community that identified its causes and effects, the challenges it poses for schooling future generations, and a series of local solutions that personify Wales's devolved governments' social democratic social imaginary. These responses all markedly contrast those of conservative UK Westminster governments espousing neoliberal logics for a global economy in consecutive prime ministers' hallmark policies - Thatcher's de-industrialisation, Cameron's austerity, Johnson's Brexit and Global Britain agenda, Truss's Net Zero agenda, and Sunak's new economic agenda in an effort to reunite the Conservative Party and win back public as well as business confidence. These policy agendas are invariably policy failures that play out for children and young people in their lived experiences of poverty and inequalities, and that find expression in social emergencies and humanitarian disasters apropos the cost of living crises, for example, as documented in this volume.
Lori Beckett 作者作品表

eBook: Child Poverty in Wales: Exploring the Challenges for Schooling Future Generations (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Child Poverty in Wales: Exploring the Challenges for Schooling Future Generations (DRM PDF)

Child Poverty in Wales: Exploring the Challenges for Schooling Future Generations (Paperback)

eBook: Research-Informed Teacher Learning: Critical Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Research-Informed Teacher Learning: Critical Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice (DRM PDF)

Teachers and Academic Partners in Urban Schools (Paperback)

eBook: Teachers and Academic Partners in Urban Schools: Threats to professional practice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Teachers and Academic Partners in Urban Schools: Threats to professional practice (DRM PDF)

eBook: Teacher Education through Active Engagement: Raising the professional voice (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Teacher Education through Active Engagement: Raising the professional voice (DRM PDF)

Teacher Education Through Active Engagement (Hardcover)

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